The multi-dimensional
The multi-dimensional challenges of controlling respiratory virus transmission in indoor spaces: Insights from the linkage of a microscopic pedestrian simulation and SARS-CoV-2 transmission model – description
The multi-dimensional challenges of controlling respiratory virus transmission in indoor spaces: Insights from the linkage of a microscopic pedestrian simulation and SARS-CoV-2 transmission model – description
SARS-CoV-2 transmission in indoor spaces, where most infection events occur, depends on the types and duration of human interactions, among others. Understanding how these human behaviours [+123842 chars] – source – Bsra Atamer Balkan, You Chang, Martijn Sparnaaij, Berend Wouda, Doris Boschma, Yangfan Liu, Yufei Yuan, Winnie Daamen, Mart C. M. de Jong, Colin Teberg, Kevin Schachtschneider, Reina S. Sikkema, Linda van Veen, Dorine Duives, Quirine A. ten Bosch