(PR) Audio-Technica Launc
(PR) Audio-Technica Launches Next-Generation ATH-CKS50TW2 Earbuds With Up to 25 Hours Playback Time – description
(PR) Audio-Technica Launches Next-Generation ATH-CKS50TW2 Earbuds With Up to 25 Hours Playback Time – description
Audio-Technica announces the launch of its ATH-CKS50TW2 earbuds, bringing best-in-class battery life with all the powerful, full-spectrum sound of the originals now with even greater convenience. The [+2171 chars] – source – TheLostSwede https://www.techpowerup.com/330703/audio-technica-launches-next-generation-ath-cks50tw2-earbuds-with-up-to-25-hours-playback-time